Tattoo Aftercare Instructions

  1. After your tattoo I will apply a second skin bandage (I specifically use dermshield), this bandage will stay on for 2-3 days

  2. After the 2-3 days carefully peel off the bandage, I recommend taking it off at the end of a shower, the water and steam will make it easier to peel, and to peel it off like a command strip, start at the bottom and peel down against your skin.

  3. Clean your tattoo with CLEAN HANDS, use lukewarm water and antibacterial unscented soap to remove any blood, ink and any residue left from the bandage. Do not scrub! Gently clean your tattoo. I recommend using dial gold.

  4. Pat your tattoo dry with a paper towel, do not use a towel and let it sit for about 10 minutes before applying any unscented lotion.

  5. For two to three weeks after the bandage is off continue to clean your tattoo every morning and night with unscented antibacterial soap and a use a thin layer of unscented lotion until the tattoo is fully healed.


If for any reason you have any irritation or reaction to the dermshield please take it off ASAP! Most commonly there will be a red border and irritation around the edges of the bandage. If you have a reaction take the bandage off, clean your tattoo with antibacterial soap and lukewarm water and pat it dry with a paper towel, do this for the 2-3 days instead of the bandage, after the 2-3 days start using an unscented lotion or once you notice your tattoo looking dry/peeling.


If you have had a reaction to a bandage before I will send you home with a thin layer of petroleum jelly and plastic wrap. Take this off IMMEDIATELY when you get home (do not keep it on longer than 3 hours). For the first 24-48 hours I recommend keeping your tattoo super clean and washing it with antibacterial soap every 3-5 hours and keep it super clean while it is still an open wound. After the first 24-48 hours you can start washing twice a day and applying an unscented lotion twice a day once it starts looking dry/peeling.


  1. Keep your tattoo out of the sun until your tattoo is fully healed

  2. You can start applying sunscreen once your tattoo is fully healed

  3. No working out until your tattoo is fully healed preferably (If you workout frequently don’t start again until after the bandage comes off [preferably after 1 week] and keep your workouts LIGHT! Avoid high intensity work outs that cause excessive friction and sweating)

  4. No submerging in water (this includes the beach, the pool, baths and even saunas)

  5. No picking or scratching at your tattoo (If it’s really itchy don’t put any itch ointment either, just lightly pat it, blow on it or leave it alone)

  6. If you are comfortable using Aquaphor and your bandage doesn’t work you may do so, I find many people have a tendency of using too much Aquaphor which effects the healing process. ONLY use it if the bandage doesn’t work, you have before and feel comfortable using it. DO NOT USE ANY AFTER THE FIRST WEEK IT WILL EFFECT THE HEALING OF THE TATTOO

Just take it easy when healing a tattoo, treat it like a minor surgery! You’re body is going through a lot! Normally tattoos take 6-8 weeks but will be fully settled in your skin at around 6 months.